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Al Mishbah

Muhammad Hakim A
0 reviews
3.8 k downloads

An essential app for Muslims

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Al Mishbah is a comprehensive Islamic resource tailored for Android users seeking convenient access to religious texts. Providing the unique advantage of integrating both the noble al-Qur'an and a collection of nine major hadiths, such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim among others, the app offers a user-friendly experience with features like the display of hadiths in Arabic along with their translations in Bahasa Indonesia. This makes it especially valuable for Indonesian-speaking Muslims.

The app boasts an intuitive search functionality, allowing users to conduct efficient searches across the hadith collections once they have loaded the data into the database. This is particularly useful for in-depth study or quick referencing. Furthermore, users can enhance their study with the bookmarking system and note-taking capabilities, ensuring the ability to keep track of pertinent texts and reflections with ease.

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Seamless navigation is facilitated through swipe gestures, and careful consideration is given to reading direction in both the al-Qur'an and hadith texts, adhering to the traditional right-to-left orientation. Customizable text settings are also provided, enabling users to tailor Arabic scripts and translations to their reading preferences.

The game stands out for its non-intrusive environment, offering an ad-free core experience that includes access to al-Qur'an and a selection of 450 hadiths. Those looking to access the entire collection may consider the paid version.

In conclusion, Al Mishbah provides a user-centric and enriching experience for engaging with Islamic texts, aiming to serve as a supportive companion in the spiritual and educational journeys of its users.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher required

Information about Al Mishbah 1.11

Package Name com.miskatmobile.android.almishbah
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
44 more
Author Muhammad Hakim A
Downloads 3,810
Date Apr 10, 2015
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.0.11 Apr 9, 2015

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